The right to swim

Sunday the 24th of April marks the 90th anniversary of the Kinder Trespass. A rebellious event in 1932 to "take action to open up the fine country at present denied to us". That trespass led to the development of the first National Park. 

In 2022 we still have very little access to our countryside and waters. Our local rivers in Nidderdale have limited access points, with stretches where landowners actively prevent access to the water. We also have many reservoirs which are clean and beautiful bodies of water. The companies who own them have a duty to provide recreational access - but we see NO SWIMMING signs and bylaws preventing legal swimming. 

Since 2003 those over the border in Scotland have enjoyed a right to swim freely and to roam - the law relying on a culture of respect and responsibility. 

Swimmers will be taking to the reservoirs to protest and the campaign continues to gain access. To find out more please see the links below, and to learn more please read the fantastic book called Trespass by Nick Hayes. 

Fancy a swim in Yorkshire Water? 

23/04/2022 - Saturday Guardian - Reporting on 90 year anniversary of Kinder Trespass.

Facebook page for the Inland Access Group

Outdoor Swimming Society - 16 reasons for swimming access in reservoirs

Trespass, Nick Hayes